Understanding Sentences: Simple and Complex


Understanding Sentences: Simple and Complex

Acquisition of languages involves several gradual steps, which includes the formation of words and chunking words to form structures known as sentences. These sentences convey information with the formation of clauses and phrases. A sentence usually consists of independent and dependent clauses, which together form sentences. However, sentences are categorised into different types based on their structure and the kind of meaning they convey. A sentence comprises of independent, dependent clauses and subordinating conjunction.

In order to understand the types of sentences, it is vital to understand independent as well as dependent clauses. The sentences below sheds light on both types of clauses, which form the base of the compound and complex sentences. The number of clauses determines the type of sentence.

On dissecting the sentences based on their structure, it can be stated that there are two types: simple and complex sentences. Simple sentences are marked by one independent clause, which conveys the meaning appropriately. The independent clauses of the simple sentence include the subject as well as the verb to complete the idea or information being provided. The sentence below is a simple sentence with one independent clause:

She likes latte and espresso.

Subject: She

Verb: likes

Some more examples of simple sentences are:

  • I kicked the football.
  • My examination is tomorrow.

Not only might a simple sentence have one subject and one verb, but it might also have two subjects and one verb, one subject and two verbs, or two subjects and two verbs.

The sentences below are the suitable examples of the different segments of simple sentences:

One subject and one verb

Social media has become a necessity now.

Two subjects and one verb

Tea and coffee are important beverages.

One subject and two verbs

Markel plays a game and works for a private firm.

Two subjects and two verbs

Markel and Patricia work for a private company and play a game together.

Complex sentences are the combination of an independent clause and a subordinate clause. Here, the subordinate clause refers to a chunk of words that contains a subject and a verb but is an incomplete idea. The sentence below highlights a complex sentence, with the independent and subordinate clauses. 

Since it is quite sunny, I shall go out for a walk.

I shall go out for a walk (Independent clause)

Since it is quite sunny (subordinate clause)

Some more examples of complex sentences are:

  • Rohan washed the dishes after he ate dinner.
  • Rita went to bed as soon as she returned from work.
  • Even though I was tired, I completed my work.

The complex sentences are joined by subordinating conjunctions. Some common subordinating conjunctions are:


even though

as much as         






in order to           


The IELTS, PTE and OET focus on these sentences, and test-takers are therefore required to have clear idea about simple and complex sentences. For more tips like this, and help to put them into practice, Hurray Academy is here to help – get in touch with us via email: info@hurrayedutech.com or call us on: 8971357938.


Please feel free to contact us at 9900426501 or 9900621169 for one-on-one free Overseas Education, IELTS/ PTE consultation. www.hurrayedutech.com

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