PTE Speaking Test: Tips and Techniques-Part 4


Re-tell Lecture

What is the task?

You will have to listen to a recording of a lecture. Once the recording stops, you will have 10 seconds, after which you must speak into the microphone, summarising the lecture within 40 seconds. There are 3-4 such tasks in the test. The purpose of the task is to test your ability to comprehend through listening, and to summarise important points briefly.

Tips and Techniques

a. Take notes: While you are listening to the recorded lecture, take down important points as you hear them.

  • Put down the points in single words or phrases as far as possible, in order to keep up with the lecture. Number each point.
  • Highlight only the most important terms in the points – this will help you find the important terms quickly while re-telling the lecture and can use them accordingly.
  • If it is not mentioned at the beginning what the lecture is about, based on what you understand, write down the general topic of the lecture.

b. During the 10 second break, skim through your notes and star or tick 5-6 points which you think are the most important from the whole lecture.

  • Remember to select the points carefully, as you have only 40 seconds in which to complete the task, and do not have time for less relevant information.

c. When you are re-telling the lecture, begin by introducing the topic of the lecture. e.g. “the lecture was about the effects of...”

d. This will be followed by a brief summary of each point you have chosen as most important:

  • Describe each point in the same order in which you have taken down your notes.
  • Use the important terms you have highlighted, while re-telling the lecture – but other than this, keep your sentences short and simple, so that the idea becomes as clear as possible.

Practice under professional guidance is one of the best ways to absorb these skills – and ace the test! Get in touch with Hurray Academy for more – email us at: or call us on: 8971357938.


Please feel free to contact us at 9900426501 or 9900621169 for one-on-one free Overseas Education, IELTS/ PTE consultation.

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